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An Alcohol Odyssey Through Time

Humans have been experimenting with alcohol for thousands of years. The earliest evidence of this can be found in pottery jars discovered in northern China, dating back to 7,000 to 6,600 BCE. According to The Conversation, “The oldest booze dates to 7,000 BC, in China” (Gosling). This discovery suggests that the creation of alcohol is not a recent phenomenon but one that has been a part of human history for millennia.

But how did humans first discover alcohol? The fermentation process is natural and has been observed in other animals, such as primates, insects, and birds, that partake in fermented berries and fruits. ThoughtCo notes that “the creation of alcohol is a natural process, and scholars have noted that primates, insects, and birds partake in (accidentally) fermented berries and fruit” (“History of Alcohol: A Timeline”). Therefore, it is possible that our ancient ancestors also similarly stumbled upon fermented liquids.

The Sumerians, who lived in Mesopotamia around 3,000 to 2,000 BCE, also had a hand in creating alcohol. They made beer, and over 20 beer recipes have been found on clay tablets. According to, “Researchers have found over 20 different beer recipes recorded on clay tablets” (“The History of Alcohol and Alcoholism”).

While the exact origins of alcohol consumption by humans are still uncertain, it was likely discovered and developed multiple times independently. As ThoughtCo notes, “While there is no direct evidence that our ancient ancestors also drank fermented liquids, it is a possibility we should consider” (“History of Alcohol: A Timeline”).

In conclusion, the earliest evidence of humans creating and consuming alcohol comes from residues found in pottery jars in northern China, dating back to 7,000 to 6,600 BCE. The Sumerians in Mesopotamia also created beer around 3,000 to 2,000 BCE. The origins of alcohol consumption by humans are uncertain, but it was likely discovered and developed multiple times independently.

Works Cited Gosling, William. “When did humans start experimenting with alcohol and drugs?” The Conversation, 18 Oct 2018, “The History of Alcohol and Alcoholism”, “History of Alcohol: A Timeline” ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo, 20 Dec 2019,

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